Spearhead AI consulting

MacBook’s Hidden Bitcoin White Paper

Your MacBook has a hidden Bitcoin white paper.

In a Terminal window, type “open /System/Library/Image\ Capture/Devices/VirtualScanner. app/Contents/Resources/simpledoc.pdf”

If you’re running macOS 10.14 or later, the 184 KB Bitcoin PDF should immediately open in Preview.

The document can also be located via Finder: Navigate to Macintosh HD -> System -> Library -> Image Capture -> Devices, then open the Contents -> Resources folder. The whitepaper titled “simpledoc.pdf” should be in there.

Interestingly, Apple has included the Bitcoin white paper in every Macbook since 2018.

The presence of this PDF in everyon’s Macbook could be just an easter egg or inside joke by one of Apple’s engineers.

Online, rumors are rife that Steve Jobs was Satoshi Nakamoto; the mysterious and elusive creator of Bitcoin.

What do you think?

#bitcoin #Apple #SteveJobs #Satoshi

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