Spearhead AI consulting

Google’s AI Strategy: 5 Major Announcements from 2023 IO Conference

Google is playing 3D chess with its AI strategy.

Here are 5 strategic moves that Google announced this week that will change the way we use AI going forward.

1. Google Bard becomes competitive: Google has made Bard fully available. It can browse live internet. And Bard is also getting tons of public apps like AdobeInstacart, and Khan Academy. This could give Bard some competitive edge over ChatGPT.

2. Google is AI-fying is search engine:
Prepare to say goodbye to current Google search. The new experience will take your search queries and give you AI-powered snapshots of key information to consider with links to dig deeper and suggested next steps…and with a conversational AI, it will unlock search as an engaging experience.

3. Vertex AI: These are new Google Cloud AI offerings powered by AI-optimized infrastructure — including new A3 Virtual Machines based on NVIDIA’s H100 GPU. (yes, the ones being sold on eBay for $40,000). It is releasing 3 new AI models on this platform: Imagen for image generation, Codey for code generation, and Chirp for accurate text-to-speech. This is similar to how Microsoft Azure is offering access to OpenAI’s API.

4. Google’s new LLM:
Google just released PaLM 2, it’s answer to OpenAI‘s GPT-4. In some benchmarks, PaLM 2 showed superior results than GPT-4. PaLM 2 supports over 100 languages and can perform “reasoning,” code generation, and multi-lingual translation. It comes in four sizes: Gecko, Otter, Bison, Unicorn. Gecko is the smallest and can reportedly run on a mobile device. 

5. Duet AI in Google Workspace for Business: Google is embedding the power of generative AI across all the Workspace apps with Duet AI including Gmail, Docs, Sheets, and Slides. This enables a conversational way for business users to use AI and drive productivity within their business documents.

What does this mean?

Google is equipping users with AI across the board: early adopters, Internet Users, Developers, and Business Users.

Even though OpenAI has gained substantial market traction, Google covers a much larger surface area in terms of public data availablity and understanding user intent thanks to it’s massive search engine market share.

AI is shaping up to be a battle for the ages between Google and Microsoft.

What are your thoughts on Google’s recent announcements and it’s AI strategy?

#ai #google #productivity #strategy #microsoft

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