Spearhead AI consulting

Is AI your next hire? 3 stories that show how AI will shape the way we work.

I hope you are having a great start to 2023!

I wrote this article on a Saturday afternoon as part of the weekly Spearhead newsletter while watching the 49ers vs Seahawks game.

My older son is a 9ers fan and wears a 9ers jersey. The younger one is a Seahawks fan and wearing a Seahawks jersey.

So what does a smart dad who loves his boys equally wear during the watch party? That’s right; he takes the Switzerland approach, i.e. stays neutral by wearing a Star Wars hoodie 😉

AI is on my mind

My mindshare these days is on our clients’ business and technology stacks. And let me share something with you: we are working with every single one of them to integrate AI into their business and tech architecture.

Most people were expecting AI to be like a distant mirage: it appears on the horizon, but we never get to it.

Guess what, we are in it now.

As Dorothy said in the Wizard Of Oz: “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore”.

Three AI Stories

Let me share three observations that show how AI’s evolution will change the way we work. 

1. Your next intern could be AI: Recently a tech marketing agency, Codeword, “hired” Aiko and Aiden as interns. In reality, Aiko and Aiden are AI models that are helping Codeword to take care of manual, repetitive tasks like drafting of graphic design, researching content etc. In the words of Codeword’s senior editor: we are “eliminating necessary but mind-numbing and time-consuming tasks — or at least to pass them off onto emotionless interns who can’t get bored.”.

2. Will you get replaced by AI one day? I posted about this on LinkedIn yesterday that I’m gravitating towards a view that a professional won’t get placed by an AI. He will get replaced by another professional who is using AI.

3. AI will require a new set of skills: with our work with clients, we see that working with AI is a *brand new* set of skills to be mastered: designing prompts, training models, piping outputs, data availability etc. There is now a whole new world of mastering prompts for AI.

Here is a sample guide to use ChatGPTs prompts more effectively.

In other news…

A. All the 2023 forecasts: Visual Capitalist does a nice job in summarizing 2023 forecasts from economics to tech. Wait, energy prices will continue to be high?Yikes.

B. Adidas loses its stripes: having fiercely protected its three-striped logo, Adidas loses out to Thom Browne’s four stripes. Interesting evolution of intellectual property.

C. Sideloading: this is a term that we will hear about more often in 2023. Apple is facing regulatory and legal pressures and is considering allowing other app stores on its devices

Wrapping up

AI is here to stay and we are helping customers integrate AI in their business and tech stack….and I think we are just scratching the surface!

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