Spearhead AI consulting


One of Warren Buffett's favorite criteria for investment is an important tool for the modern AI and Digital leader to understand and create business value: a 'moat'.
Tesla has a secret 'trojan horse' strategy embedded within its partnerships with Ford and GM.
Charlie Munger's Orangutan Theory is one of the best ways to develop clarity and insights.
- Eagles, New Kid in TownWasn't it was just yesterday when ChatGPT was the only place where you could go and 'taste' the future? AI's iPhone moment?
Google is playing 3D chess with its AI strategy.Here are 5 strategic moves that Google announced this week that will change the way we use AI going forward.
Decoy pricing: from Apple to Starbucks, this powerful pricing strategy leverages customer psychology to drive sales.
Silence won't get you ahead at work.In many organizations, leadership readiness is measured by willingness to speak up in meetings.

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