Markets at all time HIGHs, most people: I want to BUY stocks.
Markets are crashing: I want to SELL.
However, as you know, the right answer is counterintuitive. It pays handsomely to be a net buyer in crashing markets and a net seller in frothy market bubbles.
The principle applies to careers as well.
Most people: I want a safe job.
Less than 5% of people: I want to work on risky projects even though I might make mistakes and there is a high chance of failure.
The risk of making mistakes is considered bad. But that’s where learning happens. That is where growth happens. Always be in Day 1 mode.
Not taking risks, not learning, and not growing are the biggest risks to your career because these lead to stagnancy aka Day 2 problem.
As Bezos said in his 2016 shareholder letter “Day 2 is stasis. Followed by irrelevance. Followed by excruciating, painful decline. Followed by death. And that is why it is always Day 1.”
What are your thoughts about taking risks in your career?