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How can one separate the signal from the noise to understand a company’s strategy?

How can one separate the signal from the noise to understand a company’s strategy?

To understand strategy, one has to cut through a ton of information clutter to get to real nuggets.

It is a bit like listening to hours and hours of podcasts to distill down the handful of insights that really matter.

CB Insights has taken an interesting angle to decipher the strategy of leading companies, they have mined through multiple datasets:

1. Mergers and Acquisitions

2. Resource allocations

3. Partnerships and Business Relationships

Here are some strategy maps based on this approach: AmazonAppleBlockMetaPayPalSalesforceTesla, and Walmart.

What are your thoughts?

#strategy #gtm #dataanalytics #amazon #apple #blockchain #meta #paypal #salesforce #tesla #walmart

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