Spearhead AI consulting

Amazon Enters Generative AI Market

Amazon Enters the LLMs and Generative AI Market with AWS Bedrock and Titan Models.

Though Microsoft and Google have been at the forefront of the fast growing Generative AI technology, we hadn’t heard much from Amazon.

Today, Amazon Web Services is launching a new cloud service called Bedrock that allows developers to create generative artificial intelligence.

That changes today.

Bedrock uses Amazon’s own Titan models, as well as models from startups AI21 and Anthropic, and a model for turning text into images from Stability AI.

What’s Amazon’s differentiation?

AWS’ Bedrock aims to address the challenges of accuracy, customization, and cost that have plagued previous generative AI systems, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Microsoft’s Azure.

We will likely see more details emerge from Amazon in the coming weeks.

What do you think about Amazon’s Generative AI stack?

Additional reading:

#ai #aws #artificialintelligence #generativeai #llm

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